As much as I love technology, and am very glad to have it in my life, I can't help but feel that sometimes it does detract from some very important aspects of life and just being human. Nicole and Madison discuss some of the good and bad things about technology and how it has changed our lives, and I would like to add to that.
Their posts made me think about the Louis C.K. video we watched the other day about how he hates cell phones because they don't allow people to just be themselves and enjoy what is going on around them. Just "being a person." One of the comments he made that really resonated with me is that technology like our phones has given us an outlet--that we shouldn't have--to not think about the deeper questions in life. You know the kind. They come to you when everything during the day has died down and you're in bed alone and all of a sudden all of the questions of the universe suddenly come to you. It's a scary feeling and it's one that people will avoid if possible--and that's exactly what technology has allowed us to do. I don't think that's a good thing. I agree with Louis C.K. that we should just allow those feelings to take us over and maybe just get a good cry out every once in a while, because if we're not doing that, then we're not really in touch with our humanity.
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