Friday, March 7, 2014

Whole New Meaning of Speed Reading

Guys. This is so cool. A company named Spritz has developed a speed reading technology that allows you to just blow through texts. Basically the idea is that sentences are flashed at you, one word at a time in the same place at speeds up to 1,000 words per minute--if you can manage that speed, that is. The way this new technology was introduced to me was by my friend approaching me and saying, "You know, there's a way to read a 223 page book in 77 minutes." Seems impossible? Well, IT'S NOT!! If that's not interesting, I don't know what is.

Of course, there are concerns that go along with the territory of technology that could radically change the way we read. Part of why the company came up with the idea was to eliminate the wasted time we spend moving our eyes around and flipping pages when reading, but why is this such a bad thing? Isn't that part of the whole experience? I, for one, think that this idea could be very popular because there's something really fun about seeing the words flash at you and following the sentence that way. But, at the same time, I enjoy the leisure of reading an actual text; being able to flip the pages at your own pace, poring over the text trying to catch something you missed the first time around. It's not a competition of who can finish it first, it's about what you get out of it!

I would also be very interested to see if this kind of reading would still work for more complex, dense texts. It's one thing to blow through and completely comprehend Harry Potter in a matter of hours than Marx's take on commodity fetishism. I guess we'll see.

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