Saturday, February 15, 2014


I'd like to follow up on Charles' post about Netflix and the future of television. I absolutely can see Netflix becoming the future of television. It has all of the good characteristics of television without all the negative ones. Think about it. No commercials, no having to plan food/bathroom breaks, no waiting, and my personal favorite feature: it goes straight into the next episode of the show you're watching when your episode is over! You know me so well Netflix. It also gives you more options than television. This is great, because now that there are no more Blockbusters, it's become pretty difficult to find movies out there that aren't new (especially if you're like me and can't risk streaming movies because you don't own a Mac--not that I would anyway, right...)

Where else can we find those great shows that somehow have remained under the radar like Arrested Development? Maybe there are certain sites that I am not aware of that have complete seasons of shows, but certainly Netflix is the most well-known.

If not for everyone, Netflix is definitely the future of television for me. As a college student without a television, Netflix constitutes the majority of my television-watching experience. I'd vote for it any day.

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